Connecting our world to Christ and His people through intentional evangelism, dynamic worship, loving fellowship, personal discipleship, and caring ministry.
The word “vision” is defined as “the perception and expression of a favorable outcome to a mission.” Our vision is a picture of the church we feel God is leading Wall Highway to be. It is the favorable outcome to our mission. The vision helps us all work together and stay united as a church.
Scriptural Basis for Our Vision:
- Our Jerusalem is Madison – Our Community, Friends, Neighbors, Co-workers, Relatives
- Our Judea is Our Region – Madison County, Harvest, Limestone County, Athens
- Our Samaria – The United States
- The Ends of the Earth – The World
Our Mission:
“Love God, Love People, Share Jesus, Make Disciples!”
The Mission is our GPS, our map that guides us as we attempt to accomplish the vision God has given Wall Highway. It gives us direction and points everyone in that direction. It guides everything we do and it is based on the following principles:
Our Values: Why do we do what we do?
- Biblical authority and truth
- Relationship with God through Jesus Christ
- Relationships with People
- Ministry Excellence
- Transformation of our Jerusalem
Our Basis: What is the Biblical basis for our mission?
The Great Commandment:
Love God, Love People
The Great Commission:
Share Jesus, Make Disciples
Our Measures: How we know we are successful?
Love God: “Love the Lord your God…”
- I worship God with my life.
- I study the Bible regularly.
- I maintain a healthy prayer life.
- I obey God instantly.
Love People: “…You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
- I serve others at Wall Highway
- I serve others outside of Wall Highway.
- I am involved in a Connection Group.
- My relationships with family and friends are healthy and growing.
Share Jesus: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…”
- I am prepared to share the gospel.
- I am building relationships with the lost around me.
- I participate in local evangelistic opportunities.
- I am participating in missions opportunities outside of our Jerusalem.
Make Disciples: “…make disciples…”
- I am actively growing in my relationship to Christ.
- I am being held accountable by other Christians.
- I am mentoring and multiplying other disciple makers.
Our Strategy:
How do we do this? Our strategy is our process for showing everyone the next steps to getting involved in the ministry of Wall Highway. This is the DNA of the church. It includes four pathways to accomplishing our mission at Wall Highway. We desire each member of Wall Highway to Connect to the church, Grow in their relationship with Jesus, Serve inside the walls of the church, and Go outside the walls of the church with the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. Our strategy in four words is: