Wall Highway Baptist Church Members – We will collect boxes November 3-20
NEW OPTION!! Build a shoebox entirely online!! click here to begin!
Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, an international Christian relief and evangelism organization headed by Franklin Graham. The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Since 1993 Operation Christmas Child has collected and delivered more than 200 million shoeboxes to children in over 160 countries and territories. For many of these children, the gift‑filled shoebox is the first gift they have ever received.
Shoeboxes must be an “average” size box rather than the oversized boxes. Due to packing, 2 average size boxes can be packed rather than 1 oversized box. When cartons arrive boxes can be expected to hold 15 average sized boxes. Average size boxes are the red and green boxes supplied by OCC or the plastic containers purchased at your local stores. Shipping is $10 per box.
Please be aware that we cannot accept boxes before or after the posted times. Shoeboxes must be counted for accuracy, packed into shipping boxes, loaded onto trucks, closed and locked, paperwork completed, and all trailers ready for the truck drivers at scheduled delivery pick-up times.
If you have any questions contact Shirley Carlton at 256-656-9356.
Here is a list of items NOT to place in any of the shoe boxes. Unfortunately, these items are removed upon arrival in Atlanta as they are processed and before they are shipped out to their destinations.
- Anything liquid (shampoo, hand-sanitizer, bubbles, nail polish, lip gloss, glue, etc.)
- Breakable (glass items, procelain dolls, miniature tea sets, mirrors, etc.)
- Military items, Pokemon, or toy weapons
- Perishable Food (Snack cakes, crackers, cookies, etc.)
- No Toothpaste and No Medications (vitamins, tylenol, advil)
- No Bar Soap
List of items to place in shoeboxes:
- Pencil and Pencil Sharpeners
- Toothbrush
- Dolls
- Sewing kits
- Tools
- Toys
- Clothes
- Washcloth
- Paper
- Crayons
- Coloring Books
- Balls