Wall Highway’s High Altitude ministry started over ten years ago. Originally we partnered with a ministry that was reaching into the Himalayan mountains.
Eight years ago God led our work into a different region of the mountains. For the past 8 missions we have partnered with a fellowship of young Christians from the region. Together we have been building relationships in over 7 remote villages through humanitarian aid (water filter kits and hygiene kits), Gospel presentations, and repeat visits.
Another aspect of the mission trips is to encourage the fellowship of young Christians as they grow in faith and desire to see their home villages accept the Gospel of Christ. Several members of the fellowship are translating the New Testament into their native language under the supervision of Wycliff Bible Translation ministry.
It continues to be a great blessing to see how God is working in this hard to reach part of the world. For more information contact David Johnston 256-714-9292 (evenings only) or dwjohnst@knology.net