Our objective is to offer encouragement to the staff of Madison Hospital. The primary group of focus is the 3rd floor. This unit facilitates the medical care for patients with a variety of medical needs. Through this ministry we offer prayer support, various forms of encouragement, and snacks that are handy to eat on the go. It is a joy to care for these wonderful people and share the love of Christ with those who serve our community so diligently.
1. Write encouraging, name-specific notes once a month
2. Provide snacks for a.m. and p.m. shifts
3. Offer occasional meals, nugget trays, etc.
4. Pray for the hospital and staff members. There are currently 12 staff members who have been adopted by Wall Highway!

If you would like to participate in this important ministry, you may contact Shirley Carlton for more information at stewartandshirley@gmail.com