Are You Tired?

When I write for the heart of the staff, I want it to be personal, from the heart, as the title states (‘my’ heart) .

All of us have experienced this but when you see someone that you know or just

met you generally ask, “How are you?” The most popular answer, it seems, is “I’m fine” or “I’m good”. I wonder, though, are they really doing ok? More and more, especially the people I know a little better, are responding with, “I’m tired!”

Part of it is we are just so busy. so many obligations in the family (extended family, grandchildren (that’s me, especially!), neighbors, acquaintances, those we are trying to minister to, etc…), church, community, etc…

Another part of the tiredness/weariness, I believe, is what’s going on around us, socially, politically, pressures of life, etc… It can make one very weary, tired, frustrated, worried, concerned, upset, etc…

There is nothing wrong with being busy (just don’t overdo it) and concerned about our country but what do we do… what do I do to find rest?!

How did Jesus deal with it when things got tough?

He drew close to God. He praised God for His goodness and grace.

In Hebrews 1:3, Jesus is the representation of God’s being and knows the pressures and frustrations of our lives. He invites us to come to Him and learn from Him, so we too may have rest for our souls.

Life is not easy, but God is good.

Let Him lead you and give you the rest you need today and always.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

-Matthew 11:28
