Home – Made, Purchased, or Given? pt 1

We have all spent quite a bit of time at home this past year.  Whether we have spent the time at home in shut-down, quarantine, sickness, social-distancing, choosing a choice, or because we wanted to be at home.  Many of us have probably spent a lot of time at home even before, but never really thought about it that much.

There are many phrases based on the word or concept of home.  For example:  Home Sweet Home, Sweet Home Alabama, Home & Garden Television, Home is where the heart is, Home Run, Til the cows come home, I love me some home, Homesick, and even Homework.  I am sure that we all could come up with more, whether from years ago or even more current expressions of today.

When I think of home, I think of my birthplace of so many years.  When I think of home, I remember the various addresses and specific styles of homes.  When I think of home, I think of certain memories of life that are very dear to us as a family.  When I think of home, I remember various seasons that we have walked through.

When you think of home, what do you think about?

Is the Home-Made, Purchased, or Given?

The song writers words are often quoted, “Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.”  The truth that goes with this statement has never been fully expressed, or fully understood, though volumes have been written about the home, and many illustrations have been given to express the emotional ties which the home has set.  Emotional ties set in the home are the most lasting ties in the human life and soul, and by these, men and women are guided through life’s struggles with a goal and purpose for living.

I will continue with these thoughts, expressions, and statements for quite some time in the Heart of the Staff writings.  At the end, I will reveal something about home.  Until then, enjoy the cliffhanger!

Encourage One Another,

Bro. Jim