As Summer and I are fairly new to this whole parenthood thing and will be in over our heads with 2 minions running around now, I am in the middle of reading the book Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family by Paul David Tripp, and I am drawn to a statement he makes in this book. He says “It is true that the thing that you and I most need to be rescued from is us! The greatest danger that we face is the danger that we are to ourselves.” My own sin nature is my greatest enemy. My personal battle with the sin that rages within me is the greatest battle I will face in this life. And this enemy can only be defeated through the power of Christ reigning in me.
This has astounding implications for not only my own personal life, but also how I parent, knowing that the greatest danger my children face is the danger of sin reigning within them, not anything outside of them. This also impacts my evangelism and relationship to the world, reminding me that as I regularly encounter a lost and dying world, their greatest threat is not Covid-19, or which president will get elected, or racial riots across the country, or anything else outside of them. Their greatest danger is something residing inside of them, a sin nature that reigns supreme within them and can only be defeated by the power of Christ reigning inside of them instead.
Greek mythology tells us about Sirens that enticed sailors to their destruction with their irresistibly beautiful singing as the ship passed by one of the islands near Greece. Many humans and heroes alike fell prey to the song of the Sirens that drew them in, no matter how hard they tried to resist the temptation. One Greek hero, Jason and the Argonauts, had a different strategy. Instead of trying to resist the song of the Sirens, he had an incredibly talented musician play the lute to him and his crew as they passed by the island. You see, the music from the lute was a better sound, more captivating and satisfying than the song of the Sirens, which kept them from being enticed and captivated by the sound the Sirens offered.
The book of Hebrews tells us over and over again that Jesus Christ is better! He is better than anything this world has to offer us. He is better than any religious system that tries to make us righteous before God. And He is better than our greatest enemy of sin that resides within us and entices us to stray from the path God has designed for us to follow. He is able to deliver us because not only is He better, but He also sailed past the Sirens song and defeated the enticements of sin, and “because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.” – Hebrews 2:18
I hope this has been encouraging to you as we continue to engage in this battle against sin together and pursue after Christ, “…the founder and perfecter of our faith…” – Hebrews 12:2
In Christ Alone,
Caleb Hecox