We are a K-8th grade church school with off-campus teachers. Our mission is to offer support, encouragement and accountability to home school families as they strive to raise and educate their children. We are a ministry of Wall Highway Baptist Church.
Wall Highway Christian Academy
6597 Wall Triana Hwy.
Madison, AL 35757
Email: whcaoffice@gmail.com
Fax: 256.837.1007 Contact: Shirley Carlton, Administrator, Cell: 256-656-9356
Jim Graham, WHBC Children’s Pastor, jim@wallhighway.com
Parent Motto: Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Student Motto: Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not men. Colossians 3:23
Admission Procedure
Enrollment for 2024-25 is NOW OPEN! WHCA Applications can be picked up at the WHCA office during the school year on Thursdays from 9:00-12:00, our church office Monday – Thursday from 8:30-4:30, or you can email WHCA for an application packet. A non-refundable application fee of $25.00 is required. After receiving completed applications, a follow-up family interview will be scheduled.
WHCA offers two different enrollment options. Listed below are what is required for each option:
For Cover and Co-op:
- Complete an application packet and enrollment packet
- Pay tuition fee and any class fees in a timely manner
- Required records: Attendance and report card due at the end of each semester, math and writing samples at the end of the school year
- Complete a WHBC background check
- Fulfill volunteer requirements of 4 hours each semester
- Provide instruction for your children in accordance with the WHCA handbook
- Attend all parent meetings throughout the year
- Follow and agree with all applicable policies set forth in the WHCA handbook
- Families are required to sign up as an available substitute for teachers if needed each week
For Co-op Only:
- Complete an application packet and enrollment packet
- Pay tuition fee at the beginning of each semester
- Complete a WHBC background check
- Fulfill volunteer requirements of 4 hours each semester
- Attend all parent meetings throughout the year
- Follow and agree with all applicable policies set forth in the WHCA handbook
- Families are required to sign up as an available substitute for teachers if needed each week
Additional Resource Suggestions
Enrichment Classes
The purpose of enrichment classes is to enhance students’ educational experience by learning from WHCA teachers and fellowshipping with their peers. These classes are offered on a weekly basis. Elementary and middle school level enrichment classes are not core classes and are not required or graded. Class fees are paid directly to teachers each semester. Class fees are non-refundable after classes have started.
WHCA Class Schedule Spring 2025
WHCA Class Descriptions Spring 2025